working for myself

This week down on the farm I've been on my own, just two cats, an old dog and a handful of goats for company. I've kind of retired phase two, meaning working for others is no longer my pry-oor-a-tee. What I been doing I'd working hard on the house getting it ready to rent out or sell. Everything downstairs & a quarter of upstairs has been scrubbed, oiled, varnished &/or polished. Then outside all the trim is just about covered with some Mission Brown. I am surprised how well I'm doing & how well its coming along. 
I have a bit of a plan, other then just keep going, &/basically that means paint outside when the sun is shining & inside when its not.
Pretty soon I's a gunna be finished. Next week I'm running my new scooter out West to housesit for my daughter, check properties to buy & have myself a geek about. Already Zi sniffed out a large body of water under an hour away. I knows it features endless river paddling, I'm just gunna look for the possibility of some fishing, sailing & shantyboating type activities. Woohoo, I'm feeling all Texas-like. 


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