
Showing posts from January, 2023

First Sail on Moon Lake

A lot of boat work in the week leading up had mine really keen to get wet.  I'm not satisfied the boat is secure on its trailer,  the lights are working & the light bar quick to remove,  the furler is improved & finally the rowing blocks & cleats are secure.   As usual,  the decision of where to sail was made on the hop.  I saw Moon Lakes NP, an area Lurgy knows well,  was my ultimate sailing destination.  Due to holiday traffic returning to Sydney likely causing congestion,  I wended my way along backroads to emerge on the highway just south of our destination.   At the campground there were two surprises; fewer people than expected & limited access to the water's edge.  In fact,  there was just one boat ramp & it was overgrown over with trees.  Lurgy had to be rowed offshore before standing the mast & seeing sail.   At the ramp a (water) skier type pulled at Lurgy, "nice little boat" he says.  After I explained that she had known these since

Avoiding Fear Mongering

I am presently reading "Donkey Dreaming" by Eliza Allen. A mum, takes her 10 year old daughter, a horse & 2 small donkeys on the 5 500km Bicentennial Nationally Trail.  They hike the spine of the Great Dividing Range,  carrying their own equipment,  food & water,  mostly independently.  As they progress they become,  trail hardened,  wiser,  more experienced & confident.  While hiking into Queensland the season is heating up & placing a great strain on the animals,  Eliza hatches a plan to continue by tandem bicycle. It is at the time,  taking on a new mode of travel, that she noted the tendency of people they met to freely offer dire predictions of their demise.  Fear mongering.  I have learned from all other world bicycle tourers, that it is common to realise that despite common belief at home,  people in certain foreign nations are non- threatening,  lovely,  generous & fun. It few me to do a little research into the purpose of fear in our culture.  Why

New Morning Routine plus

Having woken on the night,  I came across the idea to look at a good Morning Routine cos the one that has evolved is unstructured & ineffective.  I'm using the new one this morning & it's great.  So from note on I'll post a daily plan here. PLAN  1 chores & feeds 2 Load hard rubbish for collection 3 Fuel up & mow Jo's 4 Eat & mow Benalla 5 Singleton loony shop >> lava lamp 6 Other,  fit rear window @ Rover Got everything done except fitting a window to the a Rover  Positives were 1. The new routine energised me 2. The results from mowing,  nice& green 3. Nan's new lamp looks good,  anticipating how good it will look!  This evening,  spoke to Mia.  Her& Dan driving back to Peak Hill dodging potholes.  Court case was today,  the Plaintiff got chastised for pursuing the matter before it was referred for meditation.  But since then,  the lawyer had realised it doesn't fit criteria for Small Claims Court (>$10 000). 

Journal: Joe leaving, I learn about Histrionic Personality Types

Good intentions of riding from 6 were squashed by rain & drowsiness. I had a cat meowing on my window sill for half the night, so i wasn't feeling the lurve. 0834 looking "normal" me dragging my butt into another wet Monday,  except today i have dog poo on the floor, horse medications & feed...  Not good to be so negative this early.  May be I can do some exercise,  Joe will get his licence & something good will come up for Charlie? More coffee for now - but i do wonder if the Coffee had been spiked.  .   Oh,  on a bright note, I worked out that my  Eileen O'Connor cycling pilgrimage tallied to 370km! Not too shabby fitt a 62 year old on a folding bike! Actually the day had little good news,  Joe did not pass  his driving test & in the process sunk my hopes of fostering a child by telling me he was leaving to live with his mother as soon as he could. Actually i thought he would eventually & am happy to see him break from his rut, but i don'

can i live with just one bike?

The short answer is no, & really,  why should we? Since taking up cycling more seriously I had the following bikes:- 1. Geotrex folding bike,  20" wheels, cost $100.  2. Jamis Coda 1x12, 32x700c steel touring bike, cost $400. 3. Kona Wo fat bike, 3x8 sp, 26x4.00 tyres, cost $1000. Since sold.  4.Surly Long Haul Trucker, 3x8sp, 26" tyres,  full pannier kit,  cost $1500, since sold.  5. Greenspeed GT5 trike,  16" wheels, 2x8sp, cost $2300.  My folder was bought as a bike I could take on the train or lump in the back of the car.  It does this well,  & has a surprising athleticism,  opening up distant destinations. My little packer. My "cheap" tourer is a solid & honest friend. His reach is too far, but is the only bike I've ridden up Vogeles Road.  Entry to bikepacking vehicle.  The fatbike was a chubby fun girl,  but hellishly slow. In my drive to speed her up,  I loaded light & she steered me towards bikepacking. The sale of the fatty finance

Eily Pilgrimage Highlights

Stopping by the Hunter River 40 odd kilometres from home,  having passed a dangerous highway section & realising I can do this.   * Riding over the Swansea Channel & feeling so far from home, yet comfortable & energised.  * The section between Avoca & Kincumber evoked memories of excellent days of early childhood visiting my grandparents & having picnics by the lagoon at Avoca.   * Pulling in Å£o a chicken joint at Woy Woy feeling like a famished adventurer & devouring a late lunch.  * The entire ride & ferry passages over Pittwater & Sydney Harbour.  So picturesque, I felt so fortunate to be there.   * That chuffed feeling of knowing I created a cycling pilgrimage route over several hundred kilometres,  taking me outside my comfort zone,  & saw it through to completion. 

training ride 10km in 40min

After a busy day, my son & i argarguedued about taking a relative in as a foster child.  I found this upsetting & disappointing so Iooked to  my Jamis Coda for ssupport.   It was getting dark, but i needed tp get some frustrations out,  I needed to ride.  With lights aglow we hit the road,  & then some gravel.  The turnaround point was somewhere up a really steep firetrail. Down in Granny Gear,  grinding it out hard until my breath gave out.   Exhausted,  I dropped Coda bikepacker settle on the side of the trail & gulped some water. Feeling thrilled & free of any remaining stress symptoms in my body.  After a rocketing downhill we set a cracking pace home,  not to finish the ride,  but to keep up an  exhausting tempo.  I can't make the world so what I want,  but i can ride tto feel better when things go to shit. 

Journal, Sunday 22jan23

Sunday 0300. Woken by the sounds of koala growling. A keen guttural call coming from just outside my window. Google info suggests a male is calling potential mates from up to 500m away.  1413. Where did t th far day go?! Earlier I saw Mia off. Then I cleaned my bike, it could be too wet.  Rain is not heavy,  but persistent.  May begin to clean out study.  It needs it anyway:) 2304hrs. I've been dozing,  watching YouTube x bikepacking videos & reading through the evening.  I am happy with the amount of floor clearing & burning off that i achieved in the library today.  Not sure what Joe makes of it - he's not silly. Anyway,  it's liberating to be away from all the kindling that's been fermenting in there for many years.  The choking smoke from burning so much paper,  is another matter.  Tomorrow,  Joe takes his second driving exam.  Middle of the day.  Oh well, i hope it's worth it.  

Journal, Sat 21Jan23

SATURDAY 21JAN23 0952. am chores complete,  but as I'm sailing today (hopefully), they were slapdash.  Enough food & water for all,  no bread for us humans though.  :0 Weather is clear & calm,  SE winds,  then E, are forecast to be below 7kn, so a quiet sail.  I've just routed an endless job sheet,  this will allow me to trim & let fly,  from the windward rail. But Mia needs to get hay after work,  so has the Land Rover tied up until dark.  So,  to go sailing,  I need to use Joe's previous Suzi. I have leverage regarding his need to to a driving test next week.  Tough love, which hge reacts poorly to,  so I'll schmooze it out of him.  Looking forward to go sailing .  Reading,  Donkey Dreaming,  a WA mum & 10 year old packing the BNT. 1000. Went to  Lostock Dam for a sail in light conditions. Furler broke,  but endless sheet was  unbelievably easy to sail with.  Lovely day,  returned close to 1800hrs. 

sail 4, for the year

     Comfort must not be      expected by those that       go [dinghy sailing].                            Lord Byron Off to Lipstick Dam for our fourth sail for the year.  The conditions were to be light, a relief after last week's bashing.   My choice to run new jib sheets had significant outcomes for today's sail.  Too many wraps prevented the sail from fully furling, & it once out it wouldn't refurl. This meant that anchoring, reefing & returning to the ramp would be difficult. But, a bonus of the endless jib sheet system,  was that tacking a breeze. Date I say comfortable ?  Another bonus,  not really paid out today, is that easing sheets when overpowered, can be carried out from the windward quarter.   The sailing was easy,  and with the new steering system,  the boat could be managed easily while staying seated in the stern.  Bliss! Yet as any outdoorsman can testify, your next discomfort is only a brief sail away.  As we headed south through the main body of

Journal Friday 20 Jan '23

FRIDAY comes around again! The clock is turning towards 5am & the ta so discussion is talking rapidly about "Google-ization", a reliance on a single source of information for learning and research.  Over-dependence on technology   & the impact on mental,  emotional & physical health. Myself? Yes,  I've slipped into a routine of heavy use of technology,  as I've turned the tv off, "funny videos" on my phone are being allowed to fill space.  I need to not do that,  even if it's wet outside.  It's an unhealthy routine.  0759hrs: After waking at dawn,  naturally & without cat antics,  I began reading a new e-book "Donkey Dreaming: A Year in the Bicentennial Trail". The author's bio' interested me straightaway: Waldorf school teacher,  hiked the Camino & various other non-consumerist pursuits.  By the time they got at the trail head & I allowed myself to sleep,  I'd become rather tired.  Hence the sleep in,

Log @ 19 January 2023

SHOWERS are s et for the day, so i am informed.  Already there have been a few showers but the cloud looks too high for any soon,  and there's no wind.  So I'm backing there'll be none of great note. What's on the agenda? Week since she's going intrastate on Sunday, servicing Mia's Getz is in order.  That means, changing motor oil, & rotating the tyres.  I'm aware i also need to do some welding on the trailer if I'm to sail this weekend,  and i will.  So i should get into that after the Getz. Then,  a ride would be grouse. 1046 hrs: W ell,  it's sprinkling,  not enough to takes a recording of,  but quite damp working in it. Huh, so much for my prediction. All the Getz work is done and that little black beauty is ready for the off. Go well little Getzee. I'm having breakfast now,  sitting sodden and grubby.  The welding is next,  hoping i don't electrocute myself ? 1424hrs:  Just finished repairing the trailer.  I was planning to put

A Blustery Jaunt Under Sail

Enough politics,  it's a losing pastime.  This week it's back to sailing,  yay ! I've set a little goal of sailing and riding once every week.  Yeh I know,  it's only like week 2 out 52, but so fast so good. Unfortunately,  I was only left with one day to sail.  I say that because that day was blustery as buggery. I learned some lessons with Lurgy last week,  one of them was to not launch from a lee shore.  It's no great drama, the boat can be repaired,  it's just that it takes time to carry out repairs. Time I now don't have,  given i need to take two days our for adventure.   So,  I headed for a little ramp facing west,  and sheltered from the blowy easterlies. The launch was so peaceful and calm, different from last week.  To get offshore I held the boom to windward and backed her out, once beam on,  unfurled the headsail, dropped the board and sailed off.  Right from the get-go I needed to lid the main to reduce heel. I stood to windward and st times lea

Eily Pilgrimage Mileages

Using a new cycling app I can estimate my total mileage taken on this pilgrimage.   Home to Merewether       78 To Wyee                              70 To Tuggerah                       56 To Our-Woy Woy                80 To Central (via Coogee)    80 TOTAL                         364km All on a second hand folding bike bought for $100.  There were no mechanical failures, adverse weather events  nor accidents.   In fact it was epic fun and elevated me from a Self-doubting Wannabe to a Successful Pilgrim with a 360km  route under his belt.   The final off from Hamilton Station, bound for the delights of Pittwater & Sydney Harbour. It doesn't get any better.  

Toxic Nightmare quip Haunts Dead Bishop

Arch Bishop George Pell this week asked Pope Francis to "free the church from this toxic nightmare ".  Moments, hours later Arch Bishop Pell died suddenly from complications during surgery.  Pell, who had been gaoled for child sexual abuse, later freed on appeal, and found by a Royal Commission to have not reported the activities of known serial paedophiles under his care,  nor did he take any action to protect children later abused.   I guess we are now rid of the toxic nightmare. 

Adventure Writing

Thankfully,  no one ever reads my blog.  It's too rangy in topic matter,  features projects that go nowhere & lots of spelling& grammatically errors.  A lot of fault lies  with the fact that I don't polish my writing & I don't plan it much.   But,  strike me low if I ever write to a formula.  I've just purchased an Anne Mustoe title & I feel as though I was effected by temporary insanity.  If there's one thing I dislike its mundanity & conformity.  Open with an "engaging" quote by some lauded adventure person,  last up some historical notes & finish off with some small details that will leave the reader convincerned your are superhuman - even though it's obviously untrue.  Jesus,  Mary & Joseph! Where the blanky adventure & spontaneity in that!? Surely the  we as adventurous types can write radical raw stuff that conveys a certain "dangerousness" & experiences unique & meaningful to at least some of us.

My Aileen O'Connor Pilgrimage Continues

 After grabbing 'nanas & dark chocolate the train deliversed us to Haminatin.  Now we await a connecting train to Wee Wee. I am excited to close out on this one-off pilgrimage especially on such a scenic route. I really hope everything keeps going swimmingly along. At the present I'm loving the simplicity of Robin my little red folding bike. Today that little wheel may close out on a 250km ride.   9:34 now on the Cindy train. it's quite plush WEITH purple seats & matching carpet. But with all this comfort there is no room for any bike except a folding one. I expect it's a social control mechanism what with governments wanting us to remain passive,  work long hours & die as soon as you've spent the profits.  11:20 Ebbalong Beach. A short ride from the train station.  Looked like I've  missed the hourly ferry by minutes. But them's the breaks when section riding & using ferries or trains.  No use getting upse

guidance from a dead pope

I want to caution any reader that I'm not freaky religious.  I was exposed to it without a choice as a newborn, through my school years. Yes,  I was an altar boy for a few years as well.   Anyway through all those exposure I noticed two things in particular, that had their roots in love. Stay with me here. One fact was that there were a handful of people in all those years,  that exuded unconditional love. They proved to be caring and kind without asking for anything in return.  I also experienced an era in the church that reflected the broader way of life in the 1960s and 1970s; peace,  embracing change and living you're best self.      Of course being a kid I had no objective awareness of all this, I just felt really happy. The mood is best enshrined in bumper stickers of the day like "God is Love", peace or flower power symbols.  Nowadays we' be come to be more cynical and fearful of others.  But I had a lightbulb moment last week when reading a tribute to pope

Grocery Run

Today I rode my trike pout to get groceries.  About 45-50 km all up,  the second half with panniers laden with groceries.   It felt really sweet to be wearing a high viz to,  with matching flags and apart from one side who yelled an obscenity, people were extremely patient and respectful.  I've been hoping to get into commuting for groceries for many months and there you go.   It was not easy, in fact it was quite hard,  but I did it. I did it largely without the support of anyone else.

Twin Rudders

Lurgurina,  formerly Javaranda,  came into my care with twin rudders. She once had any inboard engine and it's probable that outboard rudders offered prop clearance which was necessary due to her small size.   I quickly returned her too a single rudder system to keep her clean and simple, and to reduce the number of holes in her sweety transom.   But during Sail #1 I noticed storage at low speeds was poor, and during Sail #2, that she lacked authority on a broad reach in lovely conditions.  After recommissioning the second rudder today,  I decided to do some research.  Twins Rudders Characteristics : *   Gain steerage at lower speeds due to increased rudder area.  Ref: SAIL MAGAZINE 24/9/2020 *   Were initially fitted to MiniTransat and MiniTranspac boats in the 1990s. Twin rudders allowed for wider transoms which gave increased downwind speed. Ref: Hamble School of Yachting. * Twin rudders operate in clean water giving " satisfying steering and significant reduction in resist

The Golden Rules for Trike Travel

1. Be Positive 2. Be Persistent 3. Be Outside Worth holding onto.